Hybrid simulations

Hybrid simulation scheme using a combination of stochastic and deterministic schemes.


class pyross.hybrid.SIR

Susceptible, Infected, Removed (SIR) Ia: asymptomatic Is: symptomatic

  • parameters (dict) –
    Contains the following keys:
    alpha: float, np.array (M,)
    fraction of infected who are asymptomatic.
    beta: float
    rate of spread of infection.
    gIa: float
    rate of removal from asymptomatic individuals.
    gIs: float
    rate of removal from symptomatic individuals.
    fsa: float
    fraction by which symptomatic individuals do not self-isolate.
  • M (int) – Number of compartments of individual for each class. I.e len(contactMatrix)
  • Ni (np.array(3*M, )) – Initial number in each compartment and class